OSHNA attempts to keep up with all land use and zoning issues in the neighborhood and will comment and or take action on development/changes of importance. If you have questions or comments on these or any other issue, please
email us
- DE 22-62 - 7002 N 18th Street —
install semi-circle driveway.
Awaiting client reply.
- DE 22-67 - 1401 E Hanna Ave
. — replace 4’ wood fence with 6’ PVC fence in front.
In process - issues with sight clearance and right-of-way.
- SU 22-18 - 6503 N 19th Street
— extended family residence.
In process - garage renovation.
- REZ 21-90 - 810 & 810 ½ W Henry Ave
. — SH-PD to SH-PD.
In process - issue with access and utility easement.
Public hearing 1/20/22 at 5 PM
- AB 21-26 - 6500 N Florida Ave
. — restaurant (Rooster and the Till) renovation.
In process - parking issues
Public hearing 1/27/22 at 5 PM
For full details and documents, type the address or case number into the city's permitting website
How to Navigate Accela
You do not need to create an account to use Accela. You can search by property address or case number to find associated applications and permits. Once you find the application record, click on the drop down menu for
Record Info
. The two most useful options from the menu are
Processing Status
. The
page is where you can find all associated documents such as tree studies, permit applications, site plans, architectural drawings, and more.
You can reach out to the owner or their agent via the information provided on the application with questions. If you want to ask city staff a question, enter a comment into the public record, support the application, or oppose the application, you can contact the city in the following ways:
Design Exceptions
Architectural Review Commission
You have a right to speak up about new developments that affect your quality of life. Know that OSHNA reviews every public notice we receive.
Many thanks to the
Tampa Heights Civic Association
for inspiring and helping OSHNA to share these land use issues with our residents.