We will be hosting our first hybrid quarterly meeting! We encourage everyone to participate in person, online, or by phone.
If you have not been vaccinated and plan to attend in person, we ask that you wear a mask out of respect for public health.
This quarter's topics include:
- City of Tampa Water Department PURE presentation.
This will focus on OSH's role in the city's plan to treat wastewater and inject it back into the aquifer.
- City of Tampa stormwater update
- OSHNA committee updates
- Upcoming in-person OSHNA events
OSHNA Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday, April 27th at 6:30 p.m.
American Legion Post 111, 6918 N Florida Avenue
Log in via phone:
Meeting ID:
873 9512 5465
If you are planning to participate via Zoom, please log in via phone or computer
5-10 minutes early
to allow time in case you have any technical issues. All participants other than the presenter will be muted. You must be logged in via computer to ask questions during the meeting using the chat function.