Hillsborough MPO public hearing
on the latest Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is June 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. Once again, FDOT is pressuring the MPO to approve interstate expansion. In the past, this has been held at the County Center downtown, but COVID-19 has necessitated a move to a virtual meeting.
We've had massive turnout for this hearing in the past, and although it's a pain to do it via computer, we still need all the anti-TBX comrades to join in and show the MPO that we want something other than more destructive interstate projects. Check out the
meeting flyer
for more information.
The main points for residents wishing to speak or email against interstate expansion into the urban core are as follows:
"Please follow the June 10 recommendations of your Citizens Advisory Committee:
1. Request FDOT to conduct traffic studies/counts projecting/assuming a % shift from office work to telecommuting.
2. Strike item 32 (formerly 31) from the TIP (TBNext Section 7 from DTI north to Bearss).
3. Strike Item 33 (formerly 32) from the TIP (TBNext Section 6 DTI operational improvements).
4. Strike Item # 434045 2 (page 65/280) aka Section 5 of TBNext (I-275 between Westshore and Downtown).
5. Strike item # 431746 2 (page 69/280) aka Section 8 of TBNext (I-4 east of downtown to the Selmon connector)."