A committee whose purpose is to review land use, zoning, wet-zoning, variance, Architecture Review Commission, and other development and redevelopment changes, petitions, and proposals within Seminole Heights, and to work proactively to create new land development standards. This committee may have members from other neighborhood organizations; however, the chairperson shall be a member of OSHNA as defined elsewhere in these bylaws.
Seminole Heights Vision Plan
— The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission completed a strategic business plan in 2005 in coordination with area businesses. The Vision Plan [released 2009] expanded on the ideas of the 2005 study and encompasses the collective voices of these groups, further developed in concert with input and guidance from the public sector.
Seminole Heights Form Based Codes
— The purpose and intent of these [codes] are to ensure that all development is compatible in form, building and structural orientation, general site layout, height, lot dimensional requirements and other site spatial relationships to the precedent within the established block and generally, the surrounding area.
compatible in form, building and structural orientation, general site layout, height, lot dimensional requirements and other site spatial relationships to the precedent within the established block and generally, the surrounding area.
Tampa Cares Newsletter
— lists Petitions for rezoning, special use, variances, right-of-way vacating. It also identifies City Council and Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission Public Hearing and Workshop dates.
— Tampa’s online development and planning database
City of Tampa Land Development Coordination
— community planning and zoning. Also, includes information related to the Form Based Zoning effort in Seminole Heights. Follow the big green ball for Community Planning Areas and path to Greater Seminole Heights.