October 2020 Bungalow Alert

OSHNA • October 14, 2020
October 2020 Bungalow Alert
Virtual Quarterly Meeting Tuesday, October 27th
We will be hosting our quarterly meeting virtually and encourage everyone to participate online or by phone. This quarter's topics include:
  • Stormwater update
  • OSHNA Board elections
  • Fall announcements

OSHNA Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday, October 27th at 6:30 p.m.
Log in via phone: 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 870 1559 5112

If you are planning to participate, please log in via phone or computer 5-10 minutes early to allow time in case you have any technical issues. All participants other than the presenter will be muted. You must be logged in via computer to ask questions during the meeting using the chat function. If you have any issues or would like to submit questions prior to the meeting, please  email us by Monday, October 26th.
Fall Issue of The Seminole Heights Advisor Out Now
The Seminole Heights Advisor is available online now and hard copies are coming soon to local businesses.

In this quarter's issue:
The President's Letter 
Garden of the Quarter

Fall Feature Stories:
Florida Department of Transportation Update
Meet the OSHNA Board Candidates
OSHNA's New App and Website
City of Tampa Recycling Updates

Check it out for more neighborhood news!
Seminole Heights Garden Tour October 25th
It's time for the annual Seminole Heights Garden Tour , hosted by the Friends of the Seminole Heights Library. This year's tour will take place Sunday, October 25th from 1-5 p.m and begins at the Seminole Heights Library, 4711 N. Central Ave.

This is an outdoor, socially-distanced event. Tour goers can stroll participating gardens at their own pace. Masks are required, as well as 6-foot social distancing.

Featured gardens this year include  The Seminole Heights Community Garden  ( 2020 winner of Best of the Bay!) and   T he Sustainable Living Project .

Tickets are $20 , and all proceeds support on-going children's programming at the Seminole Heights Library.

Don't miss this wonderful event!
Below are local government links for up-to-date COVID-19 information:
Keep Up with OSHNA on Social Media
Ideas Welcome

If there is something you know happening in Old Seminole Heights or of interest to your neighbors,  send it to us . We are happy to add items to our calendar.
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