September 2021 Bungalow Alert

OSHNA • September 21, 2021
September 2021 Bungalow Alert
Join Us for OSHNA Happy Hour This Wednesday
Wednesday, September 22nd at 6 p.m.

c. 1949, 6905 N Orleans Ave

Come join us for a drink or snack on the patio to see old friends and make a few new ones!

Everyone is welcome to attend—you do not have to be a current OSHNA member.

See you there!
OSHNA Yard Sale is Back

Saturday, October 9th 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Registered addresses will be added to the yard sale map available to the public the day of the sale.

Watch for more information coming soon on how to register for the yard sale. 
Save the Date for the Hybrid Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday, October 26th at 6:30 p.m.

Seminole Heights Library, 4711 N Central Ave
or online

This meeting will include OSHNA board elections and updates on the PURE project, Southeast Seminole Heights stormwater project, and more.

More information in the next Bungalow Alert.
SESH Flooding Relief Project Updates
The Southeast Seminole Heights Flooding Relief Project (which covers all the stormwater projects for Seminole Heights) has a new way for residents to stay on top of the design, permitting, and construction process going on throughout the Heights— sign up here for email updates. You can also call (813) 580-5313 for more information.

Hillsborough County Park Speed Zone Pilot Study
Special speed zones on roads near schools help protect kids going there – but what about roads near parks? The Park Speed Zone Pilot Study looks at that question, using several parks in different suburban and urban areas to tease out how this might work. What would YOU like to see on roads near parks?

Below are local government links for up-to-date COVID-19 information:
Keep Up with OSHNA on Social Media
Ideas Welcome

If there is something you know happening in Old Seminole Heights or of interest to your neighbors,  send it to us . We are happy to add items to our calendar.
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